Affirmation: Keep Resolutions and Let Go of Perfection

perfectionHave you set your goals for the New Year, your resolutions?
Have you already started to feel yourself slide back into old habits?

Maybe finding your self striving for perfection, and having an all or nothing attitude?

Or simply faltering on embracing new habits that you KNOW are going to get you closer to where you want to be?


Remember that anytime you try to make changes you will come up against resistance, but keep going, baby steps will get you there.


Don’t try to push too hard and make it all or nothing, you are setting yourself up to fail if you take that approach.


Here is an affirmation to help you with perfection, so that you can keep resolutions:

I don’t have to be perfect – just real.

I let go of perfection, knowing that it is an impossible goal. Instead, I embrace the goodness of who I am – faults and all. 

I set my self-improvement goals to specific, measurable levels that I know I can accomplish. I take realistic steps that lead to attainable goals. This way, I know I am getting better and better all the time.

With each step I take, I am learning and growing, but I don’t have to be perfect.

I am happy with myself. I know that most of the time I do my best and I forgive myself for sometimes doing less. After all, no one is perfect, and that’s okay.

When I make a mistake, I admit it, do what I can to correct it, and learn from it. I realize that making mistakes is a natural part of being human. Rather than beating myself up about it, I move forward with no regrets.

I live in the moment. The past is done and the future is yet to come. What we have now is the present.

This moment is what is real and I am a part of it. I am grateful for every precious moment and relish its possibilities.

Today, I plan to live life to its fullest, to enjoy each and every moment for what it can bring me, and I throw off the trappings of trying to exhibit perfection.

I am what I am and that’s fine with me!


Self-Reflection Questions for Perfection:

  1. In what ways do I strive for perfection?
  2. Am I happy with myself?
  3. Do I stress out about the past or future, or do I enjoy the reality of living in the moment?